Name: Anushka Sarishta Prasad
School: Xavier College
Year: 2012
Topic: Contributions of Premila Kumar towards the Growth of Fiji
DECLARATION I, Anushka Sarishta Prasad, of Xavier College of Form 7P, would like to declare that this project is of my own effort. Although information’s has been gathered from various sources, the general writing and outline is my own. Any source of assistance has already been acknowledged.
__________________ Anushka Sarishta Prasad
I would like to show my appreciation to the following people for their aid in the completion of this project: * Firstly, the Almighty for His continuous blessings and the strength He provided me with during the completion of this project. * My English teacher, Mrs. Vinita Behari, for guiding me throughout the project. * Thirdly my father, Mr. Janesh Prasad, for his financial support in the printing and compiling of this task. * Last but not the least, my classmates and friends for their assistance in my project.
Mrs. Premila Devi Kumar has widely and extensively contributed in many ways towards the Fijian society. She continues to play her role as Chief Executive Officer of Consumer Council of Fiji. Her efforts in making consumers aware of their rights and responsibilities have been recognized and Mrs. Kumar is still combating issues that affect the consumer of Fiji.
The empowerment of women is presently occurring in many societies around the world. The word ‘woman’ is certainly one word that has many powerful meanings. Women play numerous roles in their homes as well as outside their homely environments. In one way or the other, women have proven to have infinitely