My purpose this week was to observe translations in the 3rd grade classroom at Moss elementary with a female teacher named Ms. Bowens. As i arrive to Ms. Bowens classroom i noticed the 3rd grade students knew how to work on the math problems on their own while the teacher allows the students to talk amongst their assigned group. As the students work on their assignment the teacher walks around the classroom helping the students that doesn't understand a question by going to each group.…
This module has helped me to understand that you cannot approach all ELL students the same due to their culture background and characteristics. I learned that there were many strategies that I already used within my classroom, such as using visuals and videos. Also, I realized that the same strategies that used with my ELL students could be used with my struggling learners within my classroom. To improve the quality of the artifact, with the proper quantity of ELL students, I would have worked with a younger student who was least proficient with the English language. It would have given me another perspective with trying more of the strategies that were offered within the module…
I have conducted my field of experience at Westside Elementary School, second and third grade classroom. The third grade class consists of 20 students. The teacher does not have any aide even though she needs some assistance, because two of her students are falling behind. The sad part about this is that the students have not being diagnosed yet, but they are having a lot of difficulties. The teacher mentioned that by fourth or fifth grade those two students will need to be placed in a special education classroom. The students both have a concentration problem and it causes them to struggle with reading, writing, math, listening, and speaking. The teacher asked me to focus on and help these two students, while observing the rest of the class. On my second day, I went to Mrs. Bellamy’s Classroom; a second grade teacher. In this paper I am detonating the two different teaching styles that I observed, and the way the student are responding.…
In education the main approach of an assessment is to determine what students have learned in a course or program. By determining what and how students learn teachers can oversee student progress, clarify student’s strengths and weaknesses, and keep a journal of these results to better help students. Second grade students are assessed to simply find the areas of struggles in their learning. I created and conducted an assessment on a second grader; the results were to my opinion normal. Creating an assessment based on the common core math standards for a second grader proved very informative. Many second graders are tested on the knowledge that they…
(2008). School Profile. Retrieved February 17, 2009, from West Virginia Department of Education Web site:…
I observed Mrs. Jessica Allred’s 2nd grade class at Paxson Elementary School. I observed the classroom from 9am to 12:15pm. The kids were in the classroom the entire time of this observation except for when they were released for recess at 10:45. The experience of seeing the morning routine of the students was very informative. The kids stayed in the same room for each subject. Mrs. Allred informed me that they do leave for art class on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.…
Teachers ' Plan for Kids on Campus 1998, McHenry County College, Crystal Lake, Illinois 60014, Retrieved 04/17/2010,…
Not only is violence more than just the easy to realize physical harm, it is also a major culprit in shaping and influencing identity and self-perception. In the “Selections from Hard to Get: Twenty-Something Women and the Paradox of Sexual Freedom,” the author, Leslie Bell, interviews several women asking about their sexual identities. In one instance Jayanthi, one of the women interviewed by Bell, discusses an act of violence that changed how she would sexually identify herself. In addition, in “The Power of Context,” the author, Malcolm Gladwell, talks about how the Goetz incident, in which Goetz shot four black teens in a New York City subway train, contributed and affected how New York City would deal with its crime epidemic. Furthermore,…
As I enter my elementary classroom on a daily basis, I plan to welcome each student into a positive, encouraging learning environment. I will plan each lesson to appeal to each of the different learning styles so that each child can benefit from the lesson. I will use the most updated technology available to make the classroom environment fun and challenging while still achieving standards. My vision is to see each child leave my classroom with good memories, a stronger self-confidence, and the knowledge to build on as they enter their next level of school.…
Ballinger, C. (1998, February 17) Annual Report to the National Association For Year-Round Education, San Diego, CA.…
On April 11th, I went to Lafayette Recreation Center to teach 4th and 5th graders about the Lemonade Day. However, the beginning of our trip was not that satisfying. For some reasons, our bus was not prepared that our team had to wait almost an hour in the sun to figure out what we can do. Some students from our team decided to take a cab to arrive on time to keep our promise with children and the others had to go by deans’ cars. Because we were in a car, a small place, we not only discussed about the Lemonade Day but also was able to get to know each other deeply. Luckily, our team was able to Lafayette Recreation Center on time safely. As planned, our team was divided into four different small groups to teach children effectively. Four small groups rotated to teach different children with different materials. After teach children successfully, we were able to get back to school on a bus. In the bus, we discussed about what we liked or disliked about teaching children and how it differed from what we imagined.…
Johnson, K. (2011, April 12). Study: Prisons failing to deter repeat criminals in 41 states. USA…
With that being said, New Paltz middle school has an excellent learning environment. Although the white walls created some skepticism; the bare walls lacked the enthusiasm expected from a middle school. However, the students and faculty seemed to paint the walls with their energy and passion during the passing period. The hallways came alive. They seemed to be genuinely happy in these surroundings. The kids talked to their friends, and they were eager to get to their class. The classrooms, on the other hand, were decorated with posters and items pertaining to the class. These decorations set the tone for the children to learn and to participate. The students were comfortable and focused…
In “Against School” by John Taylor Gatto, he bonds boredom, the common condition of having low energy, to schools in the U.S. schooling system. Gatto was a teacher in Manhattan where he taught for thirty years. He retired from teaching in 1991. During his journey as a teacher he was named New York Teacher of the Year for three consecutive years (1989-1991), and honored as New York State Teacher of the Year in 1991. In this short story, “Against School”, Gatto tells his experiences with students that complained they were bored in school. Gatto said these students were not interested in what was being taught because they often said the work was stupid and that they already knew it. According to Gatto, these students were interested only in grades rather than learning the subject.…
“What are some ways you plan to avoid excessive TTT in your classroom when you are a ESL/EFL teacher? Provide specific strategies and examples.”…