A model of Contextual Motivation in Physical Education: Using Constructs From Self-Determination and Achievement Goal Theories to Predict Physical Activity Intentions Martyn Standage, Joan L.Duda, and Nikos Ntoumanis Journal of Educational Psychology 2003, Vol 95, No. 1, 97-110 The increasing number of children and adults adopting sedentary lifestyles has become a growing concern in recent years. The lack of physical activity have great effects on the child's health ,being a significant contributor to child obesity, and may have ramification for health across the lifespan . An active lifestyle as an adolescent will lead to a Physically active lifestyle as an adult , and understanding of the diverse motivational processes …show more content…
involved in varying levels of PE student contribution is a main concern for researchers. Participation in PE has been shown to decline with age , thus optimizing the motivation of children in PE settings and virtually impacting physical well-being among general population is a fundamental interest. The purpose of the study was to examine a model of student motivation in physical education that incorporated constructs from achievement goal and self-determination theories.
Participants were 328 children from two secondary schools , located in predominantly middle class areas, and data were collected from several classes taught by seven PE teachers. The children were asked to respond to a questionnaire evaluating their perception of PE class climate, autonomy , competence, relatedness, motivation and leisure-time physical intentions. PE is a obligatory subject in this context, therefore all participants were required to participate in the lessons. Self- Determination Theory - is a theoretical approach of the motivation process of the students engaged in PE. The motivation adopted by the individual is influenced by the degree to which the mediating needs such as autonomy, competence, and relatedness are satisfied by what is available from the social context. It is the extend to what the motivation toward activities is considered to be internal, the perception of autonomy , competence and relatedness. Incorporating the views of self determination theory a Hierarchical Model of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation has been developed. Motivation operates at three levels : global, contextual and situational. Each level has a Motivational Sequence of: "Social FactorsPsychological Mediators-Types of …show more content…
Motivation -Consequences. In this study is an examination of the motivational sequence at the contextual level of motivation. Social Factors category has two perspective: A Self -Determination Perspective assuming that autonomy -supportive environments facilitate self -determined motivation versus controlling situations ; and Achievement Goal Perspective,- how the motivational climate influence the achievement-related responses to PE Students. Types of Motivation can be categorized as : intrinsic motivation , extrinsic motivation and amotivation. The consequences of the different self regulatory styles represent the last stage of the motivational sequence. This stage includes affective , behavioral ,and cognitive responses.
Valentin DRAGAN The study conducted in the context of Physical Education was planned to observe a proposed model of motivation.
The study goal was to provide a better understanding of the motivational processes responsible for diverse levels of children motivation. Also the study proposed to find out to what extent this motivation will predict a student intention to be more involved in physical activities in their free time. Regarding the influence of Social factors the study suggest that a autonomy-supportive environment positively predicted important motivation-related constructs. With regard to the Motivational Mediators in the study data ,perceptions of competence and relatedness were found to be more predictive of self-determined motivation than autonomy. Perception of competence play a essential role in expecting positive or negative engagement in PE. Also research in the context of sport indicate that children that are physically competent are more likely to be accepted by their colleague. The results of the present study found self-determined motivation toward PE to predict children intention to be physically active in their free time. Various institution have noticed the need for increases in physical activities. Physical Education has a vital role in fulfilling such an objective. The present study was generally consistent with the proposed model. Based on data PE teachers should encourage class structures that are autonomy-supportive and mastery focused. The data
also suggest that children that were self-determined in the PE class context will have higher intention to have a physically-active lifestyle. Thus ,by promoting physical activity to a large number of young people, PE teachers can have a positively impact in public health. I believe that the most important benefit from this study is the fact that it has been demonstrated that motivation towards physical activity will have a positive influence in one's determination to adopt a physical active life style. Considering the fact that physical activity during childhood will have considerable health benefit and that physical active children are likely to have a high self esteem ,the Physical Education should be a priority in our education system. Also PE teachers play an important role in this system , and it is their duty to motivate children to be involved in physical activities after school by making the PE class more diversified and attractive .