The proposed sports tabloid afternoon provides an opportunity to consolidate the Health and Physical Education lessons conducted throughout the year. Students have been engaged in health and physical movement that have enable them to acquire, apply and evaluate fundamental movement skills, concepts and strategies confidently, competently and creatively in a variety of physical activity contexts and settings (Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority [ACARA], 2013).
Fundamental Movement Skills (FMS) are “essential for all physical activities and when developed in school years are often maintained in later life” (Board of Studies Teaching and Educational Standards NSW [BOSTES], 2007). Hence, the tabloid afternoon focuses on three categories of FMS, locomotor skills, manipulative skills and games (BOSTES, 2007). According to Schmidt and Wrisberg (2008), increased “proficiency in motor learning is evident when performance learning is incorporated into events increases a student’s proficiency in motor learning”. Thus, the event should provide an engaging, rewarding experience that allows students to display their abilities by participation in activities involving different sequences of FMS.
The school’s PE program is underpinning the Australian Curriculum (AC) content descriptors for movement and physical activity, “Practise specialised movement skills and apply them in different movement situations” (ACPMP061), “Participate in physical activities designed to enhance fitness, and discuss the impact regular participation can have on health and wellbeing” (ACPMP064) and, “Demonstrate ethical behaviour and fair play that aligns with the rules when participating in a range of physical activities” (ACPMP069) (ACARA, 2014). Most students participating in the tabloid will be able to demonstrate consolidation or generalisation of skills for these content descriptors and from FMS observation
Links: to the AC, students perform different FMS in a sequence ACPMP061, ACPMP064 and ACPMP069 (ACARA, HPE, 2013). * Unless otherwise indicated activities have been adapted from WADE (2013); Department of Education Victoria (1996); NSW Department of Education & Communities [NSWEC] (2012). Duty of Care, Supervision and Safety A school risk assessment sheet will be completed for approval in accordance with the schools’ Work, Health Safe: Events and excursions (WHS) policy (NSWEC, 2013) prior to the sports tabloid afternoon Australian Disability Clearing House on Education and Training (2014). Teaching and Assessing. Retrieved from: http://www.adcet.edu.au/inclusive-teaching/teaching-assessment/ Australian Government France, R. C. (2009). Introduction to physical education and sport science. Canada: Delmar Cengage Learning. Primary Resources (2015). Warm up: One behind. Retrieved from: http://www.primaryresources.co.uk/pe/pdfs/warmupgames.pdf Schmidt, R