First of all, any kind of practice is good and useful for anybody. When we talk about doing exercise, these times’ students are a way lazier in comparison with their parents and grandparents. But students don’t really bear in mind how important the practice might be. In fact, it’s very important for their health. Practice will keep the health really good, even if they do it only once a week. Furthermore, as it’s commonly known, practice can influence the way person looks. As a result, it can make them more attractive and good looking and it really matters. For example, they could avoid obesity if they practiced regularly at least once a week. And as your muscles grow, while you’re doing the exercise, you can also avoid anorexia.
Another big advantage of physical education classes in school is that teachers teach you how to play many sports. Therefore you know the rules of really many sports and it can make you really cool. In summer 2010, I was on a holiday in Croatia. There were a lot of kids of my age so I became friends with them. Once we decided to go to the playground and play basketball. Though, I wasn’t good at it at all, but a friend from Italy was quite smart when it came to sports. She told us the whole theory of playing basketball, and what’s more surprising, she was able to show us! We all asked her, if she plays basketball. When she responded that no, they only learnt it in school on physical education classes, we were all just staring at her, amazed. At the end of the holiday, my skill in basketball was improved a lot!
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