In many schools, students’ studies are evaluated by final examinations, while, in many other schools, students’ studies are assessed by continuous tests during the school year.
I believe that continuous assessment is more useful, but final exams are also needed.
Continuous tests during the school year do not put students under as great a pressure as final examinations at the end of each semester. For continuous assessment, students’ poor marks can be supported by many of their good marks during their school year. Where as, for evaluation based on final exams, a low mark can spoil their efforts and hard work during the year. Pressure that students have to suffer during the test can also badly affect their work and test results.
We shouldn’t forget that continuous assessment helps students be aware of their ability, studies, and progress so that they can improve their grades by focusing on their weakness. Tests at the end of each lesson help student know whether they have understood fully or not. If they do not understand or need deeper explanation for the lesson, they can ask their teachers immediately or discuss with other students right away.
Final examinations are usually written at the end of either semester or school year. It requires more knowledge and learning than continuous assessment do, but it shows if student did actually understand the course, or not. Many times students are afraid of exams, because you need to study for them for much longer, and you are afraid of getting a bad mark.
Final exams are also great because that would show if student actually did learn all the things he was taught, because sometimes you can learn for a test and then completely forget about that. Problem is, that learning all school year course sometimes can be tricky, that’s why it’s a good idea to measure your time and manage it – let’s say, the whole learning would