“It is important for you to know where you want your students to finish and what you want them to learn”
Reece, Walker (2003)“Teaching Training and Learning”
Assessing enables me to see if students have gained the required skills and knowledge needed to pass a qualification in my case a vocational qualification (NVQ) level 1-2.
Before a student takes an assessment I will involve them in the process making the assessment fair. I will make sure they are ready by assessing their progress when practicing for the assessment, as well as ask them to verbally explain what they have to do to show good comprehension of the task, they also have to fill out a basic specification to help with guidance. A specification has technical characteristics of the task being attempted, it also includes Health and Safety, materials, equipment and the process of application regarding the work to be carried out.
My main focus when teaching is to use observation. The reason for using this is to ensure my students are correctly applying skills to their practical work. Observation can be applied in small groups or with individuals. The governing bodies prefer the use of observation when assessing as long as all the evidence can be recorded. During the students assessment I will use formative observation, this allows me to monitor the progress of the students work and allows me to see if they are applying the correct techniques. If my students are
Bibliography: Reece, Walker (2003) “Teaching Training and Learning” Reece, Walker (2000) “Teaching Training and Learning” The Qualification and Curriculum Development Agency (QCDA, 2004) Goldstein, 1994, p. 96 http://www.ukcle.ac.uk/resources/assessment-and-feedback/formative/ http://archive.excellencegateway.org.uk/page.aspx?o=108146