Structures and peoples expectation differ a great deal from one country to another. (Harzing 2004). Managing people as the term implies is not an easy task. There are a number of problems that arises with regard to it. Each individual is different from the other in terms of conception of things and ways of doing the task allotted to him. Thus we can say that managing people in the same way in all the countries of the world is not possible. All the countries have different cultures, values, traditions, economic and political conditions and the management practices that are used in regard to managing people cannot be same. For example the policies formulated regarding economic, social, political conditions of country A cannot be the same for the country B or in fact it will not work out or be effective for country B because of the diverse population and the labour market. This essay will try to highlight HRM issues by considering two different countries: USA & The UK .
HRM in USA and UK/ European perspective:
Structures and peoples expectation differ a great deal from one country to another. (Harzing, 2004). HRM as a concept was first popularised in U.S. The U.S. culture is considered to be more individualistic and more achievement-oriented than most other culture.
Americans have the notion that theirs is a land of opportunity where any individual through their hard work and self-improvement can achieve success. These ideals of freedom and autonomy are reflected in private enterprises operating within the country. Many authors have recognised that US views of HRM may be culture bound particularly on the emphasis on organisational autonomy. There is organisational and managerial freedom and autonomy. In the European tradition private enterprise are more constrained not just by national cultures but also by legislation. Guest (1990) argued that view of freedom