Q1: Does the program address age-related patterns of disorder and competence?
From the description of the program provided, it appears that this program does address age-related patters of disorder and competence, however this is inferred. The methods section of this article describes the sample as consisting on 93 sixth graders from five different classrooms in three towns in the Northeast. In statistical analyses, this sample of six graders was compared to a control group of 34 fifth graders from two different classrooms in two of the three same towns.
The author indicates sixth graders were selected because they are considered old enough to have developed the cognitive skills and scholastic abilities to follow the curriculum. This assertion is supported with citation from numerous published research including: Flavel, Flavel, Green & Korfmacher, 1990; Singer, Zuckerman & Singer, 1980; Suddendorf, 1999). Additionally, fifth and sixth graders were selected because they are considered old enough not to be frightened or disturbed by violent images that were analyzed in the study (Cantor, 1994). And finally, sixth graders are considered young enough chronologically to still be forming patterns for media consumption, as well as opinions regarding mass media. The author and other scholars believe these opinions may persist into adulthood as supported by Comstock & Scharrer, 1999).
Q2: Does the program