The Controversy of False Memory Syndrome
Sigrid Jacquez
PS 101 Introduction to Psychology
Dr. Diane Bryan
May 1, 2009
I. Introduction II. Abstract III. The negative views of ineffective therapy A. Psychologist induced suggestions B. Hypnosis C. Vulnerabilities IV. The positive view of effective therapeutic therapy A. Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) B. Alleviation of mental disorders V. Conclusion
Introduction A major controversy is occurring in the mental health field regarding the different methods …show more content…
Depending on the memory it may be stored in a separate region of the brain. Memories that involve a traumatic incident like; (fear, anger, rejection, betrayal, childhood abuse) can become a suppressed memory stored in the area of the brain called the node. The importance of recalling an actual memory is critical in order to provide valuable treatment to the client. There are many regression therapies available but at the therapist’s discretion can choose hypnosis (not a reliable source), or Eye movement Desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR). Studies have proven EMDR is a useful tool to help a person who is suffering from memories involved in a traumatic …show more content…
Also, long term memory requires you to revisit your experiences periodically so that if memories become unused they can become distorted overtime. Memories are not created equal, they are either memories of specific events, learned procedures by performing an action, or are either straight facts. False Memory Syndrome can be factual or a memory created out of an experience that never existed. Also, depending on the suppressed traumatic memory linked to an emotional distress there are many treatments available. I am a skeptic when it comes to hypnosis and I find that EMDR treatment is a healthier choice for effective therapeutic therapy to treat and release emotional disorders through the use of EMDR.
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Gardner, M.