Q1 – Identify potential food safety hazards when preparing, serving, clearing away and storing food and drink.
People can get sick if the food they eat has harmful chemicals or microorganisms. This is called food-borne illness. The goal of food safety is to prevent the hazards that cause food-borne illness or injury. Most of the hazards in food are things you cannot see, smell, or taste.
- Physical hazard: Hard or soft objects in food that can cause injury. For example, broken glass, jewellery, staples and fingernails. - Chemical hazard: Poisonous substances that occur naturally or are added during food handling. For example, cleaning products and pest control chemicals. - Biological hazard: Germs that cannot be seen without microscope. For example, parasites, viruses and bacteria.
( Preparing:
- While preparing food, food workers must remove watches, rings, bracelets, and all other jewelry on the arms or hands. - Using the same cloth for cleaning surfaces used for both raw, i.e. meat and poultry, and ready to eat foods - Physical contamination e.g. flies, jewellery, broken glass and equipment in bad condition. ( Storing: - Store raw meats at the bottom of the fridge to prevent meat juice dropping on the other food - Eggs will be stored under refrigeration in order to reduce the growth of Salmonella - No cleaning materials should be stored where they may come into contact with open food. - Dried foods will be decanted into seal-able containers in order to protect from physical and chemical contamination
( Serving: - Serving Ready-to-eat food (e.g. sliced fruit, cooked pizza, bread) without additional washing or cooking to remove microorganisms. - Must use utensils such as tongs, scoops, deli papers, or single-use gloves to keep from touching ready-to-eat foods. - You place food and drink within easy reach of the individual - You serve food and drink
Bibliography: ( Notes (http://www.who.int/foodsafety/publications/consumer/manual_keys.pdf ( http://web.princeton.edu/sites/ehs/hazardcommguide/3.htm (http://www.caerphilly.gov.uk/Pdf/Environment_Planning/HACCP-self-help-guidance-pack-for-caterers.pdf ( http://www.youaskme.co.uk/Arts-Humanities/explain-the-importance-of-clearing-and-disposing-of-food-waste-promptly-and-safely_1592 ( http://www.youaskme.co.uk/Arts-Humanities/explain-the-importance-of-storing-different-types-of-foods-and-drink-safely_1901