“What Stifling the Creativity at CoolBurst
Group 4 :
Anggun Muhammad Barkah
The Theories
I. Organizational Culture
“CoolBurst had old organizational culture, which reflected the traditional background and most of the employees were loyal, old-fashioned and conservative both in mind and manner”
Organizational Culture definition :
The shared social knowledge within an organization regarding the rules, norms, and values that shape the attitudes and behaviors of its employees
General Culture Types
Culture Strength
“How do you make a bunch of people who are happy doing the same old thing come up with new ideas ? It’s just not the CoolBurst way”
(Carol Velez)
The Theories
II. Leadership : Styles and Behaviors
“As a CEO, LaRoue was nearing 65 and had been at CoolBurst his entire career. He valued self-discipline and respect for authority. He was stiff and could be categorized as a transactional leader with no ‘openness to experience’ pers0nality”
Leadership definition :
The use of power and influence to direct the activities of followers toward goal achievement
Leadership Styles
Transformational Leadership
The Theories
I. Organizational Commitment
“Velez had not had her heart in her job since her idea about Mango Tango was refused and Jenkins had left CoolBurst shortly thereafter to join Thirst Smasher”
Organizational Commitment definition :
A desire on the part of an employee to remain a member of an organization
Theorical Relationship :
Velez and Jenkins had very low affective-commitment while the others had high continuance commitment
Emotional attachment You want to
Awareness of the costs associated with leaving
You need to a feeling of obligation You ought to
The Theories
IV. Job Satisfaction
“About new inovation of flavor that had been invented, the company refused it and new digital creative advertising was rejected. Both Velez and Jenkins