To analyze the impact of environmental influences on New Zealand Wine Industry, which is the industry that Coopers Creek operates, we should apply PESTEL framework.
The regulatory activities of the Institute consist of Ministry of Health’s export certification procedures
Trade New Zealand (the New Zealand government body concerned with promoting overseas trade) provided a third of the Wine Guild’s funds in order to facilitate New Zealand wine exports.
New Zealand market growth was slowing.
Growing US market
The gap between falling or steady consumption and increased global production
Changing trends among the consumers
Growing trend of branding in the wine market
The informal grouping of West Aucklend Wineries had experienced significant change due to industry restructuring.
The technology for crushing grapes becoming widespread so it means that Coopers Creek is going to lose one of its biggest competitive advantage.
Changing season conditions
Obligation to acquire a licence and take out membership of the Institute to sell wine.