1. Identify the eight components of a coordinated school health program.
The eight components of coordinated school health consist of the following services: 1. Health education is taught to K-12 students on ways to make healthy decisions through health literacy. 2. Physical education is a sequential K-12 curriculum that provides cognitive content and learning experiences in a variety of activity areas. 3. Health services are designed to ensure access or referral to primary health care services or both. 4. Nutrition services should provide access to a variety of nutritious and appealing meals that accommodate the health and nutrition needs of all students. 5. Counseling, psychological, and social services is provided to improve students’ mental, emotional, and social health and includes individual and group assessments, interventions, and referrals. 6. Healthy and safe school environment includes the physical and aesthetic surroundings and the psychosocial climate and culture of the school. 7. Health promotion for staff can provide opportunities for school staff members to improve their health status through activities such as health assessments, health education, and health-related fitness activities. 8. Family and community involvement is the combination of school, parent, and community that enriches the health and well-being of students.
2. SCHOOL/DISTRICT-BASED STUDENTS: Identify the components of a CSHP that are functional in your school and/or district. Briefly explain if, or how, these components coordinate their programs and activities.
Not applicable.
NON-SCHOOL-BASED STUDENTS: In your current or future position, describe how you could support a district's or school's CSHP. The United