There are many legal issues dealing with Cyberspace. You will have issues that relates to the unauthorized use of a company computer, stealing information from someone's website, etc. Cyber laws are a new form of global laws that is in greater demand for the regulation of the internet related legal guidelines to help with e-commerce and globalization. A company that has the correct trademark will protect their business against any cyber infringement or patent issues in cyberspace.
Copyright is a way that the government can protect the rights of anyone who has created and original work, such as songs, plays, books, poems, or artwork. Only the original author or creator can make copies, distribute, sell, or adapt the work. The Copyright laws was originally passed into laws about 40 years ago and it has undergone many different changes in the wake of advancing technology, which includes changes as categorizing and work on the internet as published.
Copyright Infringement is classified into three different theories, which are direct, indirect, and vicarious. The direct theory will be the most used because if the owner can prove their legal ownership of the work that is in question, and that the infringed used their work without any type of permission. The indirect theory is when a party materially contributes to facilitates, or is responsible for directly infringing act carried out by another party. Final vicarious theory is someone is liable for the copyright even when that person or party is not the one who did the infringing.