To start off, the most obvious aspect of the horror genre that is in this film is vampires as they are a supernatural creature. The Vampires in the film are what you would expect; blood-sucking beasts with their sharp teeth, which sleep upside down, cast no reflection and who are afraid of sunlight. But that’s not all of it.…
Critique I liked this book because it was interesting and you don’t know what will happen next. This book leaves you hanging. I like books with drama and this book has a lot of it. I also like how it was in third person point of view, so it switched between different people.…
You must pick up a copy of this novel because is so breath-taking and full of excitement, yet it is full of thrilling and love scenes. Once you read you won’t be able to stop because it will have your attention and every detail will be pictured in your head. Also if you like reading about violence, drugs and teen related issues then this is the book for you. It has suspense full parts that leave you wanting for more.…
a. Recommended Audience. I recommend this book for all horror fans, for those who like to read about haunted houses, phantoms and ghosts. The book was awesome, is one of the most satisfying "haunted house" yarns I have ever read and I highly recommend it. Since then he also penned Kota and Fangs.…
It had all the elements of a classic horror story. The babysitter alone in a big creepy house without any neighbors or communication from the outside world and then you've got this supposedly inanimate object which begs the question is she really alone in the house? The first half of the movie is a little slow as we follow-up on how crazy the Heelshire's are and get the back story of Braums as well as Greta as we try to figure out what she's running from. The movie doesn't pick up until Greta realizes that Braums is moving about on his own...but even then it doesn't really go where we think it's going to go. First comes panic, then fear, then fascination...then things really get weird when Greta's ex boyfriend Cole; Ben Robson (Dracula: The Dark Prince) makes his way into the picture. There are no jump factors here, the only scene that really gives you a scare is when Greta is staring at Braums in the family portrait and it suddenly comes to life but that's something you can see just from watching the trailer. There is a crazy twist at the end that was actually kind of disappointing for me and raised more questions than answers. The camera work at the end was confusing there was a chase scene but with the sudden different angles poor lighting it's hard to tell who was chasing…
The first half of my book “The Girl Who Was Supposed To Die” written by April Henry, was so good that I could not put the book down. The girl, at that point, had no memories which include her name and anything before she woke up on a dirty, bloody cabin floor. She looked down at her throbbing hand and found that two of her fingernails were missing. This scene was super suspenseful, it felt as if I was actually in the book. I liked how the author had put this scene in the very beginning of the book and turned around and explained more.…
It always kept me paying attention and made me not want to leave to use the bathroom or get food. It was written Stephen king, a great American writer that a lot of his movies ended up being a movie. The only problem with the movie was I did not like how long it was because it was kind of hard finishing it without stopping it. I also wished that Wild bill had a worse punishment like a slow death or something because that was really wrong to what he did to the young girls and he made John die for no…
Honestly, at first, when I was reading the book, I was so confused and bored out of my mind. But then, you get closer and closer to the ending where you want to keep reading to figure out what happens next and all the pieces just seem to add up together. Therefore, once again, I fully recommend…
Coraline is a feature length, stop-animation film based on the children's book of the same name. Originally written by Neil Gaiman and adapted under director Henry Selick for the purpose of the movie, the story is about a young girl named Coraline who is ignored by her busy parents. After moving into a new house she discovers a small door containing a tunnel leading to a house that seems identical to her own. These assumptions are short lived after Coraline meets her 'Other Mother' and 'Other Father' along with the improved, fun and entertaining house. At first this new world seems perfect until she's asked to replace her eyes with buttons. After rejecting the offer the world around her starts to deteriorate and show it's true colours, once Coraline has left this world behind something terrible happens, her parents have disappeared. Following the sighting of her parents in a mirror Coraline knows exactly where they are. Now Coraline has to go back to her other mother and find a way to win them back.…
The story reminded me like an old Disney movie with some darker thing on it, and I not complaining. The story gives the vive as most kids movies of following your dreams, until you get to the part with the rats and their orgy. As someone who enjoys dark stories and dark twist I approve. It was a pleasant surprise the change of tone, I was expecting to be…
Overall the story was a thriller and interesting, it’s a first that I’ve seen the werewolf’s perspective in a story. It was in so much detail I could basically see the images in my head. The ending however was very different from what I was thinking but it was still good. It was a pretty big twist finding out it…
4. When Coraline said she does not want to have everything she wants, she meant that she doesn't want everything because that wouldn't be any fun to have everything that she would want. If she got everything she wanted what fun what that be because if you had all that stuff, how would she even use it all? What would be the point of having everything you wanted if you're not gonna use it all? I think she means that it would be no fun and no use to have everything that she wanted. I agree with Coraline because I do not think it would be fun or useful either. I think that it would be a waste of money and just a waste in general because you can't use it all at once, so it's just gonna sit there if you have everything you want. Also because,…
Later, the boy’s family gets a new nanny. Ursula Monkton is adored by the boy’s sister, but he can tell that there is something unnatural about her. He and the Hempstocks soon conclude that she is a monster from another world. As keen as the narrator is to accept this, his parents are not. In the novel, the boy makes futile attempts to explain who, or what, Ursula Monkton really is to both his mother and his father, providing another example of how adults would never be able to believe such a phenomenal concept, no matter how much proof they are given. When the boy tries to explain, not only does he sound completely crazy, but he also challenges the stable, simple world his parents believe they live in. Looking at Ursula Monkton, it’s hard for them to believe she could be bad, let alone an evil supernatural monster. Throughout the story, Gaiman makes a stark contrast between the various versions of reality between a child and his parents. This results in a theme that teaches and challenges us to be more like children, to open our minds to new perspectives and look at the world in a different…
In the movie Coraline we meet an attention hungry protagonist who grew up with workaholic parents. With her parents always being busy Coraline’s character contain characteristics of sadness and yearning. When Coraline enters the alternative world she finds out it is an exact copy of her new home with a small twist. Unlike Coraline's real mother who does not…
My attention was completely drawn to the religion and the intangible present in the tale, even if the scares were relatively small in magnitude to make my hair bristled. I was grabbed mostly by the distress and doubt involving the members of the family than the horror per se.…