* BRIEF BACKGROUND * The Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR) is a region in the Philippines composed of the provinces of Abra, Apayao, Benguet, Ifugao, Kalinga and Mountain Province, as well as Baguio City, the regional center. The Cordillera Administrative Region encompasses most of the areas within the Cordillera Central mountains of Luzon, the largest mountain range in the country. It is the country's only land-locked region. * Cordillera – meaning “Knotted rope.” is a name given by Spanish Conquistador when they first saw jumbled rolls and sdips of this long-range traversing the northern part of Luzon Island * It has ragged slope and terrains,towering mountain and peaks * Cordillera people live along the coast before the arrival of Spaniard * But later moved to the mountains to avoid foreign rule * ETHNIC GROUPS AND TRIBES
* ABRA * The Tingguians are composed of sub-groups known as the Itneg tribes which includes Adasen, Balatok, Banaw, Belwang, Binungan, Gubang, Inlaud, Mabaka, Maeng, Masadiit, and Muyadan or Ammutan.: Their places of abode are found in the different municipalities in Abra as follows * Adasen- Lagayan, San Juan and Tineg * Banaw - Daguioman, Malibcong, also found in Balbanlan * Binungan - Baay-Licuan and Lacub * Balatok - in the villages of Amti, Kilong-olaw, & Danak, all in Boliney * Belwang - in the village of Dao-angan in Boliney * Gubang - Malibcong * Inlaud - Lagangilang and Peñarrubia, in Lumaba village of Villaviciosa, in the villages of Abang and Patoc in Bucay, in Langiden, San Isidro, San Quintin, Danglas (also found in some parts of Nueva Era) * Mabaka - Lacub and Malibcong * Maeng - Luba, Tubo and Villaviciosa, (also found in San Emilio, Ilocos Sur, Banayoyo and other towns in Ilocos Sur) * Masadiit - Sallapadan, Bucloc and in the village of Sapdaan in Manabo, and in barangays