Research and development to strengthen its health and wellness image Nestlé is committed to establishing itself as the global leader in health, wellness and nutrition. Its huge R&D capability, combined with its global scale food and beverage operations and its financial ability to undertake major acquisitions, such as Pfizer’s nutritional arm (Cimilluca, Rockoff & Das, 2014) and PamLab USA, could enable the company to become the driving force in the global nutritional arena. Marketing in the emerging markets and popularly positioned products
It has formulated Popularly Positioned Products (PPP) strategy, which aims to reach out to consumers in emerging markets, offering products at affordable prices. Such products mainly consist of dairy items, Nescafé and Maggi culinary products, which are largely fortified against nutritional deficiencies in some emerging markets.
Manufacturing – Making premium and out of home consumption products
Despite the currently still gloomy economic outlook, Nestlé’s focus on premium-end development remains strong.
The group is present in some categories with higher end products such as Häagen-Dazs ice cream and Nido Gold in baby food. A number of premium food items withstood the downturn better as these were thought to be inexpensive treats.
According to Nestlé’s own research, the out-of-home consumed food and drinks segment is growing faster than overall food consumption in both developed and emerging markets.
Nestlé Professional is the group’s division targeting this market with added-value branded food and beverages. Its best performing brands in the division are Maggi and Nestlé milk brands.
Operational efficiency
Nestlé's cost-saving strategies have been implemented as per the Nestlé Continuous Excellence programme.
In 2013, both the cost of goods and distribution expenses rose, but the company’s trading operating profit grew by 4% and its trading operating