Core Concepts in Cultural Competence
Key Concepts (printable)
|Cultural Competence |
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|Definition: |Cultural Competence is a set of values, behaviors, attitudes and practices within a system, organization, program or among |
| |individuals that enables them to work effectively across cultures. Cultural competence refers to the ability to honor and respect |
| |the beliefs, language, interpersonal styles and behaviors or children and families receiving medical care, as well as those of the |
| |staff who are providing such care. Cultural competence is a dynamic, ongoing developmental process that requires a long term |
| |commitment and is achieved over time. |
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|Examples: |Examine Cultural Competence in the following examples: |
| |Example 1: Maria Hernandez arrives late for her appointment, and explains that she spent a few hours with her elderly aunt on the |
| |way to her appointment. The nurse, Ella, greets Maria warmly and comments on Maria’s devotion to her family. Ella understands that |
| |in the Hispanic community, caring for family often comes before an individual need such as an appointment. |
| |Example 2: When Gina, the social worker, enters an examining room she