The wrong tomb theory is the people of Jerusalem, witnesses and all went to the wrong tomb hence the fact that Jesus’s body was gone and the tomb was empty. This is false because they saw the tomb and where He laid. There were also Roman guards who stood to supervise the tomb. The Romans were sufficient in punishment and torture which helped disprove the swoon theory. Jesus was whipped, beaten, ridiculed, and crucified on the cross. Crucifixion was the common method of punishment the Romans used. Crucifixion is the execution on the cross; His arms stretched out and hands nailed in the middle while His feet are placed on top of each other, together nailed in the middle, along with the thorn crown fitted on His head. The position Jesus was hung did not allow Him to breathe. In order for Jesus to take in air, He had to bring Himself up, from hanging, then go proceed back down while being nailed to the cross. The intolerable pain and torture Jesus suffered is proof that Jesus could not have walked out of the tomb where He stayed for 3 days, which was covered by a huge heavy stone and guarded by two
The wrong tomb theory is the people of Jerusalem, witnesses and all went to the wrong tomb hence the fact that Jesus’s body was gone and the tomb was empty. This is false because they saw the tomb and where He laid. There were also Roman guards who stood to supervise the tomb. The Romans were sufficient in punishment and torture which helped disprove the swoon theory. Jesus was whipped, beaten, ridiculed, and crucified on the cross. Crucifixion was the common method of punishment the Romans used. Crucifixion is the execution on the cross; His arms stretched out and hands nailed in the middle while His feet are placed on top of each other, together nailed in the middle, along with the thorn crown fitted on His head. The position Jesus was hung did not allow Him to breathe. In order for Jesus to take in air, He had to bring Himself up, from hanging, then go proceed back down while being nailed to the cross. The intolerable pain and torture Jesus suffered is proof that Jesus could not have walked out of the tomb where He stayed for 3 days, which was covered by a huge heavy stone and guarded by two