HRM/420August 12, 2014Mrs. JonesEmployment Selection and Training and Development ProgramCase #1 Workplace diversity selection for Cornell Cooperative Extension
Cornell Cooperative Extension is preparing to become an organization the supports diversity and pluralism. In order to become more diverse, Cooperative Extension developed strategies to become more diverse through new recruitment styles and education on becoming a diversified organization. Diversification provides a competitive edge, and it enables the organization to tap it to new markets increasing effectiveness and productivity. In order to become more diversified, Cornell Cooperative Extension must utilize …show more content…
strategies of recruitment, selection, and orientation process to support and promote diversity.
In order to establish a foundation committed with an emphasis on diversity in all programs and activities, it is very important to develop awareness and create changes that support diversity and establish a culture of pluralism.
The staffing process utilized at CCE goes in three stages. The first stage is position development. During this stage, staff and volunteers look at the vacant position and identify essential job functions, and examine alternative staffing positions. The second stage is recruitment which includes developing and implanting a specialized recruitment strategy. Recruiting strategies such as targeted mailing lists, personal contacts, electronic postings, and nominations. The ultimate goal is finding an individual who brings a diverse perspective. The last stage in the process is selection and support. This is where the new applicant for the position is reviewed; interviews, job offers and orientation are planned for the new employee.
In creating a more diverse staff, continued efforts in recruitment, creating hospitable working environments and developing all employee talents will require much attention.
With a more diverse staff, the hopes improving the organizations intercultural effectiveness, providing more learning opportunities that are planned, systematic, and address personal and organizational issues will become more inclusive. This change will require action and authentic leadership. This strategy of position development, recruitment, and selection and support stages is one way to encourage organizational change. If the right efforts that address diversity and pluralism are made, this will increase the potential for effectiveness and …show more content…
Case #2 Enterprise Rent-A-Car Recruitment and Selection
In 1957, Jack Taylor began Enterprise in St Louis with only seven cars.
Today, Enterprise is the largest car rental business in North America with more than 7,000 offices in the U.S. and 900 in Canada, Puerto Rico, the UK, Germany, and Ireland. Customer satisfaction is a key driver of growth for Enterprise delivering first class customer service. Enterprise strives to hire, develop, and train its staff through effective training and development. Employees at enterprise achieve promotion within the company reaching their full potential. This promotional strategy reduces the need for external recruitment. This is a cost effective way for Enterprise to manage its people.
Since Enterprise offers career opportunities from within the company, employees remain happy, and stay longer giving their best. The need for external recruiting is still required with growth and diversification being factors. This allows the opportunity to provide new skills and increase business capacity for expansion. In order to attract high quality candidates, Enterprise hires student interns who work as liaisons for potential applicants.
Below is an example career path that student interns strive to achieve with a career at Enterprise, this is another recruiting tool
Another way enterprise attracts potential hire is through online recruiting, helping improve the speed and efficiency of the application. The website provides a registration function listing available jobs. At Enterprise, the ways new recruits can enter the business is through internship, graduating from the Enterprise Graduate Management Trainee program, and if you are very lucky, through its vacancies in advertising.
In the first case with CCE, the selection process was designed fairly, especially when covering diversity and pluralism. By following the three stages mentioned, it allows for the organization to develop into a more diversified organization reaching its goal of increasing effectiveness and productivity. The combination of the strategies used will minimize any risks for the company.
In the case with Enterprise, the type of recruitment has been beneficial to their company, but as mentioned with diversity and growth being factors, their recruiting style doesn’t leave them any alternative if interns decided not to go with enterprise. They have almost put all their efforts on this one way of recruiting when they should be focusing on some alternate methods. This could have a great effect finding qualified candidates if the majority of your workforce decides to leave for something better. I think Enterprise’s current strategy could increase the risk for the company. My recommendation would be to begin a new recruiting practice of finding new candidates. Candidates with experience and not so much just students.
ReferencesEnterprise. (2014). Recruitment and Selection at Enterprise Rent-A-Car. Retrieved from http://businesscasestudy.comGrogan, S. (1998). Staffing Strategies for a More Diverse Workforce. Retrieved from