Food, INC. Essay
The corporate-for-profit-control of food production is a huge problem in today’s world. The corporate-for-profit-control of food production is basically having only a few huge corporations that run the food production. It doesn’t sound that bad but, when you start looking into it you start realizing the effect that it is having on almost everything in the world. Corporate-for-profit-control of food production became a widespread social problem in the United States around the 1980s and began to spread. Consumer health is being put at risk because of these corporations trying to make large profits. The foods being served by these corporations all come from genetically modified animals that are usually stripped of all their nutrients so that they will last longer and in turn produce more revenue for the corporations. Since all the nutrients are being taken from the foods and they contain obscene amounts of fat and calories that are not healthy for whoever eats them. The corporate-for-profit-control of food production also has an effect on the farmers because they must endure a lot of hardships from these large corporations to be able to stay in business. They also work for wages that are …show more content…
Today it is mostly used to help the corporate-for-profit-control of food production. All of these commercial and advertisements show these delicious foods and convince us that they are not bad for us so we do out and eat them, not knowing how or where they were produced. This just helps the corporate-for-profit-control of food production because it is better for them if we do not know how our food is made or what is in it. However, when the media is used to show the public what is in our food it can harm the corporate-for-profit-control of food production and lead to the growth of organic