
Corporate Social Responsibility

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Corporate Social Responsibility
Does CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) help firms increase sales and contribute increasing market share in retail sector? CSR - A new business strategy!

A Dissertation


The researcher wishes to acknowledge the following people who extended assistance in the preparation and realization of this research up to its completion:
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This dissertation explores the relevance of social corporate responsibility (CSR) to business operations for the purpose of determining its effect on increased sales and increased market share. Companies adopt CSR program to establish an orderly work environment that is conducive to full production efforts and at the same time taking care of the community’s social needs to the best of its financial ability. They need to devote time to the program to inculcate in the minds of community stakeholders about the companies’ desire to uplift living conditions or improve working standards as long as the end-result is work efficiency and productivity in its fullest extent. Most of the literature reviewed pertains to issues affecting the internal component of every business and this is so because organizations or business entities need to be concerned of its internal environment to ensure a smooth workflow in all activities. However, a social responsibility also encompasses the living conditions of everyone outside of the work environment but strategically located in the nearby areas or within the company’s jurisdiction. There is a need to correlate the importance of CSR in achieving company aims such as increasing sales and market share to fully appreciate its importance on business operations on a sustainable basis.

Does CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) help firms increase sales and contribute increasing market share in retail sector? CSR - A new business strategy!

Table of Contents _Toc356377564 Acknowledgment 2 Abstract 3 Chapter I –

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