Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin
Berlin School of Economics and Law
Title of Essay: Why are ‘Corporate Social Responsibility’ strategies important for enterprises?
Prof. Dr. Jose M. Magone
LV 400591.01
Work, Business & Society
Berlin, 2011
Nowadays, the importance of social responsibility activities is growing awareness for companies.It is directly related to your business and if you want to have long term business success, you have to create value for the society.People are aware of the social and environmental problems of society.In this technology time, it is so easy to reach the information whatever they want They always follow the daily news from the world and care about them.Due to the fact that paying for the strategies of CSR increases attention to the corporation.Companies’ understanding of social responsibility should always be the part of their investment strategy.They should regard the “Corporate Social Responsibility” as a business management philosophy not as a social activity.It definitely provides sustainability to the business.The purpose of this essay is to explain why “Corporate Social Responsibility” strategies are so important for enterprises.Firstly I will explain the theoretical information about criterias and framework of CSR and then I will support the facts by giving examples from the international companies to clarify the reasons of importance well.
Index of Abbreviations
The abbreviation used throughout on this essay is presented below;
CSR – Corporate Social Responsibility
Chapter 1: Theoretical Background……………………………………………………...4
Definitions of CSR………………………………………………………………...4
Level of CSR Engagement………………………………………………………...5
Bibliography: Carroll, A. B. 1983, ‘Corporate social responsibility: Will industry respond to cut-backs in social program funding? Vital Speeches of the Day’ , 49, p. 604-608 Carroll, A.B Carlsson J. Et al., 2008, ‘Corporate Social Responsibility – Case study of Öhrlings PwC’ Internet publication: URL: http://epubl.ltu.se/1402-1773/2008/287/LTU-CUPP-08287-SE.pdf [28.06.2011] Carroll, A Carroll, A. B. and Buchholtz, A. K., 2006, ‘Business and society: Ethics and stakeholder Management’, Prentice Hall Inc., New York. Drucker, P. F. 1954, ‘The Practice of Management’, Harper Collins Publishers, p. 28 European Commission 2001, Promoting a European framework for corporate social Juno Consulting, 2005. ‘Making Sense of Corporate Social Responsibility’, Internet publication: URL: http://www.junoconsulting.com.au/articles/Making_Sense_of_ Corporate_Social_Responsibility_Part_II.pdf [30.06.2011] Nizula, F Visser, W. 2000, ‘Revisiting Carroll’s CSR Pyramid’, Internet publication: URL: http://www.waynevisser.com/chapter_wvisser_africa_csr_pyramid.pdf [06.07.2011]