What is Corporate Systems Management? In order to understand this, we need to understand the elements within Corporate Systems Management.
First thing is what is a system? A system is a set of objects together with relationships between the objects and between their attributes (Wikipedia, 2007). In an organisation the systems have to be organised in a systematic approach, allowing the system to be analysed and into the smallest elements through a top-down or bottom- up approach. Systems will have an input and output. In other words a system in a group of interacting, interrelated, an interdependent components that form a complex and unified whole (Pegasus Communications inc, 2002(Case study)).
In the case of Corporate Systems Management, information systems are concerned with the development, use, application and influence of information technologies (Wikipedia, 2007). All information systems have an input followed by the process where information gets stored and then an output, with a feed back loop. There are three types of storage systems. The document, transaction data and the economic and competitive data. Information systems can be classed into three expert systems, them being “top” management (strategic), “middle” management (tactical, professional) and “first level” management (operational).
Second thing is how is corporate defined? Corporate is defined by Wikipedia as a group of individuals acting as a whole, as in one business (Wikipedia, 2007). In the case of Corporate Systems Management they are information societies, as well as the information economy, which is a society and a community within traditional corporate environments.
Lastly what is management? As defined by Wikipedia management comprises of directing and controlling a group of one or more people or entities for the purpose of coordinating and harmonizing that group towards accomplishing a predetermined goal (Wikipedia, 2007).