Sitting preference in Class and Academic performance:
A behavioral study
Submitted To:
Professor Dr. A.I. Mahbub Uddin Ahmed
Department of Sociology
University of Dhaka
Submitted By:
Tanvir Ahmed Khan Tanu
BBA 18th (A)
Institute of Business Administration (IBA)
University of Dhaka
Table of Contents Abstract ….…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………........0
1. Introduction 4
1.1 Objective of the Study 5
1.2 Key Definitions 5
1.3 Hypothesis 5
2. Methodology 5
2.1 Participants 5
2.2 Materials and Procedure 5
3. Findings 6
4. Observation 9
5. Discussion and Conclusion 10
Reference ….…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………......
Appendix 1 ….…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………....
Correlation between
Sitting preference in class and academic performance:
A behavioral study
Tanvir Ahmed Khan Tanu
Abstract: The study seeks to identify the relationship between student seating preference within the classroom and academic performance. Data was collected from 56 2nd year BBA students of IBA, Dhaka University through questionnaire survey. The result showed there is an inverse relation between sitting in the back seats and CGPA. However, the direction of inverse relation is not incrementally linear.
Key words: Sitting preference, CGPA, front benchers, back benchers.
Instructors often advise poor performing students to sit up front. Moreover, there is a common belief that students sitting in the front are better performers than backbenchers. Yet, does this routinely given suggestion affect grades as expected? The author investigates whether sitting in front of the class increases the chance of having good grade points. The study was carried out on 3rd semester Students of BBA program of Institute of Business Administration (IBA), University of Dhaka.
1.1 Objective of the Study:
The objective is to investigate whether any correlation exists