Absolute power can eventually lead to the creation of complete corruption. In George Orwell’s catastrophic novel, Animal Farm, the wish of founding a self-governing republic ends up transforming into a dictatorial horror. Four significant elements caused the downfall of the nation. First, the social, economical, and technological advances that the citizens dreamed of creating were unachievable. Next, there was a lack of a system of checks and balances, which opened the door to unfair treatment. Additionally, since the leaders did not desire to properly educate the inhabitants of the country, cluelessness, widespread gullibility, and implicit trust were easily spread across the community. Finally, due to the selfishness and deception of the nobility, the nation began to crumple apart within itself. It was not a single power that led to the ruin of Animal Farm; instead, corruption released an …show more content…
Old Major is the representative of Karl Marx, who believed that the true hard workers did not receive a fair amount of money to live off of. The two rivals within the novel, Snowball and Napoleon, are mean to correspond to Trotsky and Stalin, respectively. Both had differing opinions about how far Marx’s ideas were to be spread, but Stalin, have his own secret police unit, used force to assassinate Trotsky and gain power. In 1936, Stalin had begun a series of meetings called the Moscow Purge Trials, to drive fear into his subjects, so that he would have their absolute loyalty. Orwell decided to write this novel, so that he could get the people of the Soviet Union to open their eyes and realize the terrors of Stalin’s actions. Alas, Orwell was unable to get the book printed until the end of World War II, for the people were so brainwashed by Stalin and his society that publishers declined to read any negative criticism about