Under decentralization, bribe-takers have been substantially increasing due to the fragmented bribe collection system. On top of that the new local regulations were created as it involved all levels of government officials, therefore increasing the magnitude of bribe-taking (Kuncoro, 2006; Henderson & Kuncoro, 2004). Furthermore, business uncertainties also increased as any bureaucrats would subsequently involve in collecting further bribes themselves (Macintyre, 2003). As a result, foreign investment dropped precipitously because of too high “corruption-related cost”, thereby impeding the economic growth more than in the Suharto era (Webber, 2006; Mauro, 1995).
Corruption is endemic in Indonesia and it has a long-term impact on economic growth and development. (Lindsey, 2002). The culture of corruption hampered the economic growth as it attracted greater number of bribe-takers involving in corrupt activities. For examples, many local companies tend to increase the cost of doing business to solicit bribes and this corrupt act becomes a deterrent to foreign firms making investments in the country; it eventually made the local investment less attractive which significantly eroded the country’s long-term economic growth (Shera, 2011).
However, some researchers argued that high levels of corruption could create and coexist with economic growth prosperity,
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