(Ex-President Karachi Chamber of Commerce and Industry)
Pakistanis have finally discovered that corruption is a major problem in the country. It is not relegated just to the traffic cop, the water lineman, or at the assistant patwari level, but the tentacles of corruption reach way, way up. The institution of the democratization process has provided to those who cried and ranted for democracy to enter the political environment of this country, a carte blanche to go hi-ho and use their talents to enrich themselves beyond their wildest dreams.
These protectors of democracy play superbly with the naiveté of the populace to reinforce their hold on the reins of power and continue to brainwash them into believing that salvation and prosperity is just round the corner. Huge congregations of people get together at purposeless meetings and shout themselves hoarse by raising "jiye so & so" and "zindabad so & so" slogans. The leaders, intoxicated by the emotions of the crowd, further spruce up their rhetoric and continue their opera of charade. The people never tire from their faith in their leaders, and thus the leaders, feeling happy and contented, go on to dream up a new scam in which to make more money.
During all this time, the politicians in power and, presumably even those who are in the opposition, all in connivance and cahoots with the corrupt elements in officialdom, have no qualms in getting their schemes processed instantly, their influence peddled favorably, and their share of the booty provided justly. There is no fear of tomorrow, there is no fear of the consequences, and there is no fear of accountability. They have precedence on their side and there is no one strong or brave to tread where even angels do not dare.
The official media comes into fore whenever there is a change in the government. An accountability commission is invariably set up and a witch-hunt commences. All this is, of course,