I conduct part of the silent reading section of the Basic Reading Inventory, BRI, with Gabi. Since today was an early release day, I only had twenty-eight minutes with Gabi, which we didn’t have time to continue with this section of the BRI. On Wednesday, I will have to continue to administrator the silent reading section until she is at a frustration level. In my Education 320 Reading/Writing Diagnosis for All Learners, Dr. Jeewek, discussed for her course, she requires us to start two grade levels below the focus student’s grade level, and continue to perform the BRI, until the students reaches their frustration level, for the silent reading section, Gabi has to miss five or more comprehension questions. IPTS 7C relates to this performance activity of how I understand the informal assessment, assessment-related issues, and appropriate and accurate scoring. So far, …show more content…
Gabi’s frustration level with the graded word list section is at the twelfth grade level and for oral reading, she frustration level is at the eighth grade level. I will continue to administrator the silent reading section of the BRI, but so far her strength is the graded word list and her areas of improvement is oral reading. After I have administratored all four sections of the BRI: graded word list, oral reading, silent reading, and listening, I can evaluate her strengths, areas of improvement, and find activities to help her improve areas or improvement. IPTS 7C and performance activity thirty-eight involves assessment and accurately scoring assessment. I learned to always keep an open mind of what you think the student can achieve. I thought she was not going to go past eighth grade silent reading passages, but she accomplished grades