Originally, I assume the people of America, or the founding fathers, did not intentionally wish to be over 1 Trillion dollars in student loan debt alone.
Paying your way through college is very possible if you put your mind to it and you work hard to save. There are various ways to pay for college without taking out a loan. Saving would be the number one option, setting up sinking funds, budgeting, and getting a part time job during the course of college would help immensely to graduating without debt. Also, getting a job in the summer would help in every way possible to help pay for tuition, books, and free time activities. Being out of debt after college will help you avoid stress in the future and eventually let you achieve what you want in your lifetime.
Paying for college out of pocket or with cash would be more beneficial in the long run than borrowing money to pay for your education. Instead of having the mental and emotional stress of living with the seemingly endless amounts of debt, save up and get a job to pay to cash to alleviate some of the stress college already causes. Paying for college with cash will benefit each person, even though it seems impossible, anyone can make it