Chapter Page No.
1 Introduction 2
2 EAP Concepts 3
3 Why Workplace Counselling? 7
4 Organization Impact on Counselling 8
5 Counselling Impact on Organization 10
6 EAP and Top Management 11
7 Implementation of Workplace Counselling 13
Appendix 16
Acknowledgment and Reference 19
Chapter 1
Employees spend about one-quarter of their lives in work settings. For many, key relationships are part of their work and personal identity is often bound up with jobs.
There is an osmotic link between two compartments: professional life and personal life. Healthy happenings at professional life are cherished at the personal life and vice versa. So also, emotional drain experienced at professional life is felt at the personal life and vice versa. In short, there will be osmotic leakage from one compartment to another because both originate from the same human being!
Emotion and workplace
“Workplace is no place for sentiments and emotions”, proclaims Mr. Arun, a young high profile marketing manager, during a department meeting. But two days later, jumps from his seat with joy and says, “Today we have made it. Finally we got the breakthrough after 3 months of hard work. We got the order. I am celebrating this achievement with a dinner with my wife in the choicest restaurant”.
Did not Mr. Arun show his emotions at workplace?
The workplace teems with feelings. We ignore them at our peril; not to recognize their force and their worth is to underestimate a valuable source of energy and a powerful force for either destruction or growth. Some believe emotions are irrelevant to the workplace and portray the ideal as an emotionless arena ruled by rationality. Do we agree that emotions are part of the inner wiring of workday routines? The truth is people at work are happy, sad, depressed, excited, enthusiastic, lustful,