OMIS 5210F: Operations Management
Wednesdays, 2:30-5:30pm E112 SSB
INSTRUCTOR: Mr. Laurie Turnbull Operations Management and Information Systems Area Schulich School of Business E-mail: lturnbull@schulich.yorku.ca 1) BRIEF DESCRIPTION
Operations management in both manufacturing and service organizations involves the coordination of complex and dynamic systems of people, technology and materials to achieve competitive objectives. The impact of alternative strategies for delivering quality products in a cost-effective manner is examined. This includes currently popular inventory management philosophies such as `Total Quality Management' and `Just-In-Time' inventory management. Pre-requisites / Co-requisites None
The fundamental managerial task in achieving a competitive focus in operations is to correctly match the capabilities of manufacturing and service processes to the needs of the customer. The challenge is to design processes that deliver superior goods and services with the greatest efficiency and highest quality. This is done by carefully evaluating the strategies for structuring the organization of materials, process technology and people. Ultimately operations management is about continuously improving existing processes and implementing new technology. This requires sound project planning and control skills. In this course, we examine both service and manufacturing situations. Firms, whether large or small, can be made more competitive by well designed and integrated processes and managerial systems. This course utilizes cases of real world companies and emphasizes the importance of students working with these experiences and concepts to develop their ability to think and talk credibly about operations. Effective teamwork and well prepared individual participation in class discussions are greatly valued.
A reader of cases, articles and notes