Cowgirl Chocolates was started in 1997 by Marilyn Lysohir and her husband, Ross Coates.
Marilyn and Ross are artists and devote much of their time to their artistic endeavors. Marilyn is a ceramicist and lecturer who is internationally known and has a successful ceramic art business.
Ross is a sculptor and a professor of fine arts at a nearby University. As a labor of love, Marilyn and Ross began publishing a once-a-year arts magazine called High Ground. More a multimedia product than a magazine, the 600-copy production of this product does not pay for itself, so
Marilyn and Ross have continually sought other ways to provide income to cover the costs of production for High Ground. Cowgirl Chocolates began as one of those ways.
Marilyn had experience working with chocolate and, in a prior job, created chocolate sculptures.
From this experience, she saw the love people have for chocolate. Because of her love for hot and spicy foods, her brother suggested she combine hot and spicy with chocolate and develop a product. She began experimenting with different combinations and recruited neighbors, friends and acquaintances to try her creations and give her feedback. She received mixed responses – many enjoyed the hot and spicy chocolates, while some felt the combination didn’t work or that they were too spicy. Marilyn was able to find a local candy company to produce the chocolates in quantity and, with that, Cowgirl Chocolates was born.
Cowgirl Chocolates’ motto – “Sissies Stay Away” – matches the image of the company’s logo.
Looking tough, May Lillie, a turn-of-the-century cowgirl, graces the packaging of every Cowgirl
Chocolates product looking down the barrel of a pistol.
Situation Analysis
Cowgirl Chocolates offers a variety of products including individually wrapped truffles, chocolate bars and a hot caramel dessert sauce. The truffles are available in chocolate, mint, orange, lime tequila and espresso. All of these