Crabbe decides to run away from home because he's unhappy with his life. Much of this
unhappiness is the direct result of the poor guidance he receives from the bad adult role models
with whom he is surrounded.
Crabbe decides to run away because he's unhappy with his life. There are many signs that
show Crabbe's unhappiness. Crabbe's parents make him feel like he's not good enough to be
their son. They never let him do what he wants to do and they dictate his life to what they want.
Crabbe's relationship with his parents is that it is a dictatorship. Crabbe says, "I wasn't alone.
My Mother swallowed valiums everyday; my Father drank heavily, if you counted the wonderful
business lunches and what he poured down at home; lots of kids at school smoked grass regularly
and drank at parties. I was no different." Crabbe doesn't drink a lot, but he drinks all the time.
Even at school. Crabbe has no friends to go to parties with or to hang out with. Crabbe's not
happy at school because all the teachers want you to be wrong not to be right. Crabbe sees
himself like the runner because he's sick of his life and he wants to be free and the runner wants
to be free and only race in races if he wants to. Here is a quote from Crabbe: "But, like the runner,
I wanted to do something that would symbolize what I thought and how I felt."
Many of Crabbe's teachers are hypocrites and poor role models. Crabbe does not want to
be like them. Crabbe dislikes some teachers like Fat-Ass Grant, Miss. Wase, French teacher,
Beaker Baker. Crabbe dislikes Fat-Ass Grant because he busted him for drinking in school. "He
was king of jock city, the phys ed. Department, and his idea of a stimulating lesson was to blow
his whistle, roll a couple of basketballs out onto the court, and yell, 'Okay, scrimmage! Warm up
for ten minutes.' And waddle back into his office where he's lower his two hundred into an old
swivel chair and flip through a sports magazine for the rest of