Nothing could be farther from the truth. But if their professors are blabbing their own opinions of the lesson and what they think about the lesson isn’t really teaching the students anything. Poster said that the teachers are like dictators they carefully control of what a student would say one to another, and they let students express their political opinions in some content, professors or at least good ones Poster said, that professors can carefully manipulate the students, so that the discussion could serves as an pedagogical ends. But in a recent incident at the University of Marquette, an inexperience instructor in a philosophy class of the teaching of John Rawls a student argued that same sex-marriage was consistent to Rawl’s philosophy, then after class another student said that he disagreed, but the teacher said that she would not permit the opposing side of the same sex-marriage because it might offend gay students. While Poster believed the teacher mishandled the student’s complaint, she was trying to dismiss it. The purpose of her class was to discuss Rawl’s theory of justice not the same-sex marriage. It stated that the professor was reasonably believed that the student was just trying to gain better knowledge of Rawl’s theory, if they thought how to apply it into much less devised explanation instead of distracting the
Nothing could be farther from the truth. But if their professors are blabbing their own opinions of the lesson and what they think about the lesson isn’t really teaching the students anything. Poster said that the teachers are like dictators they carefully control of what a student would say one to another, and they let students express their political opinions in some content, professors or at least good ones Poster said, that professors can carefully manipulate the students, so that the discussion could serves as an pedagogical ends. But in a recent incident at the University of Marquette, an inexperience instructor in a philosophy class of the teaching of John Rawls a student argued that same sex-marriage was consistent to Rawl’s philosophy, then after class another student said that he disagreed, but the teacher said that she would not permit the opposing side of the same sex-marriage because it might offend gay students. While Poster believed the teacher mishandled the student’s complaint, she was trying to dismiss it. The purpose of her class was to discuss Rawl’s theory of justice not the same-sex marriage. It stated that the professor was reasonably believed that the student was just trying to gain better knowledge of Rawl’s theory, if they thought how to apply it into much less devised explanation instead of distracting the