Tom Foulger’s view on climate change:
A threat to global security. A threat bigger than anything we have ever encountered before. And most dangerously, a threat that is beyond our control. Words like ‘unprecedented’ and ‘extreme’ are the words which are increasingly used to describe the weather around the world today. Unprecedented flooding, unprecedented amounts of rainfall, unprecedented melting of ice. Extreme droughts, extreme gale winds, extreme sandstorms. If superlatives are being used to describe our weather now, I really, really fear what’s in store for our future.
According to the NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association), the last 12 months have been the hottest on record. Yet, at the same time, the last 12 months have been utilised by most governments to not combat climate change, but to discuss and plan how they’re going to extract, burn and release MORE fossil fuels into our already afflicted atmosphere.
Recession, economy and unemployment. Three words which I’m growing sick and tired of. As governments continue to provide false promises of economic stabilisation, the destabilisation of the climate further increases. When will they realise that the control of climate change is a crucial part of our future? I don’t know, but when they do, survival is going to be top on the list of our worries, not the economy.
The most ironically frustrating thing is that we’re going to be our own undoing. The IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), a group of around 1,000 scientists which come from a host of countries from around the world, have concluded that there’s more than a 92% probability that the increased temperature of our planet is a direct result of human activity.
It isn’t a secret that global warming is the main contributor towards climate change. Its effect on agriculture and ecosystems around the world has already taken its