There I was degrading away in her room, curled up, fetal position in a chair, half asleep.
“You want tea?”
“I hate tea.”
“Iced?” She obviously had disregarded my previous statement.
“I could use some ‘ Dalmore 62’.”
She swiveled, the ends of her hair flying madly in her pupils, eyes rolled behind her head . “Real insensitive, Elizabeth.”
I reclined my forehead back, blankly staring at her wall. “ You’re a better friend when you’re drunk.”
She bit the underside of her coated tongue, trying to ignore me.
Lengthening out my limbs, I stood up and combed my nails through the wrinkles of my skin.I ever so carefully …show more content…
“What did what feel like?”
I stared at her sheets trying to avoid eye contact. They were wrinkled and covered with tea stains. “What did it feel like to be close to dying?” My voice sounding torn.
“I don’t want to think about it anymore Elizabeth.”
“What did it feel like?” I insisted knowing I had crossed a boundary
Surprisingly Madison started biting her nail but mid bite stopped. She hugged her knees in close to her hear. “Elizabeth, do you know when it’s so dark outside that you can’t tell if your eyes are open or closed anymore? That’s how it felt ” Her ghostly voice faded , and she quietly slid her half pale body off the stained mattress, heading towards the bathroom that once had led her to her doom.
“Start drinking decaffeinated tea, that’s the first step in making you feel better both inside and out.”
As I lay there my arm still stung immensely and I had to keep taking slow deep breaths. “Switching to decaffeinated tea is the first step to your success,” I repeated again and again.
“Wow, what do you have against caffeinated tea?”
“Shut up, Drinking decaf tea instead of caffeinated tea is almost like drinking water instead of alcohol.”
“ Elizabeth do you have a second step ready for my