While in the car James told Jack and his girlfriend “OH MY GOD, our whole family just died right in front of us by those monsters, me and Cameron saw the whole thing” “We have to go to the safe zones to be safe” said jack. While on their way to the safe zones they …show more content…
The place had a big black wall to keep the creatures out and guards to shoot and kill the creatures if they got close. "Thank God we're here," said Jack in excitement all the blood in Jessica's arm had hardened so no blood was leaking "let's go get your arm healed," said Jack once they got out of the car they went in front of one of the gates, one of the guards let them in, when they got in they saw a few hundred people so jack asked one of the doctors here "were are all of the other people" the doctor said that most of them had been killed by the disease of the creatures, right now there are only around 500 million people living in the world right now. So they were later arranged into their rooms and lived to fight anther day on this Earth. Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving. - Albert