
Creative Writing: Michonne's Throttle

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Stacie didn’t say anything, Michonne could feel his hands tighten around her waist. Michonne was tempted to speak again but decided against it. For the most point the ride was silent, they had passed a few groups of walkers without stopping to take care of them.

“We won’t need to stop for the night because we’re not far, I had originally planned to go out farther but heading back for the night with our current supplies seems to be a better plan. Plus I have some people I want to check up on.” Michonne finally broke the silence without removing her gaze from the road ahead of them.

“Thanks for saying that, I was starting to feel bad because I thought you might be doing this for me.” Stacie laughed light heartedly, although his statement
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It was easy to see the colony that was being built within the fences. There were places to eat and gardens on most of the open land, Stacie couldn’t help but wonder why Michonne was out so far if their camp was so well off.

As they rode closer to the opening of the gate, yelling could be heard, when the gates opened completely Michonne signalled for the horse to move faster. The tension from Stacie’s body lightened as the gate closed behind them, it was an odd feeling.

Michonne jerked the horse to a stop, Stacie took that as a signal to hoist himself off the animal. He was quick with his movements, off the horse with the supplies in mere seconds. He could feel the curious eyes watching him, just as fast as Stacie had gotten off the horse Michonne was surrounded by a few men.

“We didn’t expect to see you back so soon.” a middle aged man was the first to speak up.

Stacie scaled his eyes over him, as if he was cautious of the man even though it was obvious Michonne knew him. The lower half of the man’s face was covered in an unkempt beard and his clothing was dampened in sweat. Stacie glanced to the two other people, one being a child no older than 13 and the other a man no younger than

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