Rose is covered in dirt, dark mascara is running down her face, her beautiful dark hair is now knotted up. She has to clean herself up. She goes to the nearest shop, Raven Town Thrift Shop. She pulls the handle and walks in. Rose walks through the small aisles and notices a beautiful white silky dress on the lonely …show more content…
Rose cries in desperation. She runs down the never ending street. She sees nothing. Rose needs to find somewhere to stay at. She keeps running until she hears a buzzing sound. Getting closer and closer to the sound, she sees a huge, brightly colored sign that says “Redrum Motel”. She lets out a sigh of relief and starts walking to the motel, until she hears a someone call out her name. She stops walking. She remembers that voice. That terrible, terrible voice. She doesn't want to turn around. The same voice calls out again, slowly “Rose”. She is to scared to look back so she starts running to the motel …show more content…
He sits down next to her and and starts talking. Charlie explains that he was put in the psychiatric facility in Wicked Village, where Rose was from. Charlie runs away from the facility on a dark stormy night. He ends up in Raven Town and finds an empty motel. The motel was abandoned. Charlie decides to open the motel up and call it Redrum motel. He plans to call it redrum motel because it spells out Murder backwards. He names it Redrum motel because that's where he planned on murdering anyone who came to the motel. Charlie never had any guests, until Rose came. Rose was his first murder victim.
“So, that's my story Rose” He says grinning. Rose freaks out and tries to untangle herself from the ropes, but she couldn't. Charlie gets up to get his tool box. He asks rose “which one would you like first?” Rose looks at the huge box and sees various weapons. Rose cries out for help and goes into unconsciousness.
It's 6am and rose rises into consciousness. All she sees is white. She looks around and sees she's back in her room, in Wicked Village. Someone walk through the door, and it is Dr.Crow. He walks in with multiple needles and medications. “Hello Rose, are you ready for your daily medication?” Rose looks at him in confusion. She asks “Where am I?” and Dr.Crow replied “Oh Rose, not again! Did you have another nightmare?” “Um yes” Rose