When we don’t have money we go to credit cards for purchasing products that we need or want. We use credit cards as a way to make purchases instead of using cash. There are many people that have credit cards and use them for everyday purchases. We don’t even use money to buy anything anymore we use credit cards for almost everything now days. Cash takes a back seat to credit cards. The credit card has been taking over the world. People have more credit cards than cash these days. If we would look around in stores when people are buying products they are using credit cards to buy whatever they are buying. Is it cheaper to buy with a credit card than money? No it is not because of the interest rate of the credit card. Most people have one or more credit cards to pay on each month. The more credit cards people have the less cash they will have on hand to buy products. I have asked some people why they have so many credit cards and they stated to me that they use them because some credit cards pay them back for using them on a daily basis. Some have just stated just to have them for an emergency if something came up for their house or for car repairs. Some people just don’t like having carrying cash on them because the fear of being robbed at gun point for the money. Most people use credit cards to establish good credit so they sign up for several credit cards. When people try to establish their credit the sign up for credit cards the more credit cards you have the better your credit can be. When people sign up for credit cards they really don’t know what they are getting themselves into. They don’t look at what the interest rate is going to be on the credit card. When signing up for a credit card you has to watch for how high the interest rate on these credit cards. Some credit card companies make you pay the full amount of the bill each month. So you have to watch that also when signing up for credit
When we don’t have money we go to credit cards for purchasing products that we need or want. We use credit cards as a way to make purchases instead of using cash. There are many people that have credit cards and use them for everyday purchases. We don’t even use money to buy anything anymore we use credit cards for almost everything now days. Cash takes a back seat to credit cards. The credit card has been taking over the world. People have more credit cards than cash these days. If we would look around in stores when people are buying products they are using credit cards to buy whatever they are buying. Is it cheaper to buy with a credit card than money? No it is not because of the interest rate of the credit card. Most people have one or more credit cards to pay on each month. The more credit cards people have the less cash they will have on hand to buy products. I have asked some people why they have so many credit cards and they stated to me that they use them because some credit cards pay them back for using them on a daily basis. Some have just stated just to have them for an emergency if something came up for their house or for car repairs. Some people just don’t like having carrying cash on them because the fear of being robbed at gun point for the money. Most people use credit cards to establish good credit so they sign up for several credit cards. When people try to establish their credit the sign up for credit cards the more credit cards you have the better your credit can be. When people sign up for credit cards they really don’t know what they are getting themselves into. They don’t look at what the interest rate is going to be on the credit card. When signing up for a credit card you has to watch for how high the interest rate on these credit cards. Some credit card companies make you pay the full amount of the bill each month. So you have to watch that also when signing up for credit