Speech given by Professor Chung
* Learn and listen to introduction to creative industries (design), but at the end you have to use “your own words” to describe what exactly the ”Creative Industries” is. Understand by yourself * Definition is just for you to think, to review what you are going to do. To examine your motivation as well as your purpose. * Coming out ideas is easy, but it will be hard to develop ideas into useful, meaningful, valuable ones. * Money and freedom is important, but it’s not everything. It’s about society, people, policy, or even the market. * Are ”Creative”, “Industry”, “Design” conflict with each other? Or are they sharing the same part? * Industry, Linear input and outcome. Result can be expected. * Creativity adds value to things, but usually without expectation. * Regard Design or Creativities as a system instead of a value chain. * Why Creative Industries need to be categorized? * $ For investors and bank to decide where to invest their money. * For the allocation of governmental resources * Every product, service or business has its social and cultural meanings. * Basically every exchange of products or services is based on its local culture. * Economic Importance. * From Elite Arts to public investment or subsidy with feedback or any kind of output. (ROI= Return On Investment) * Any kind of cultural activities should be equally important as art. * Cultural Industries have limited impact because economy has always prior priority than culture.
Cultural industry: “Heritage”;traditional, artistic elements
Creative Industry: Individual creativities, skills and talents Intellectual Property (IP)
[THINK] How ordinary, non-creative industries help creative industries to generate, to create, to promote, to improve the core