A crime is a serious offense against the public law. It is a problem that many countries throughout the world face today. It is not solely an economic concern but it's a reflection of society's political and economical issues. In order to find a solution to this problem you must understand a countries political history and what was the role that politics played in its historical economy. For example; in the United States of America the economy is politically motivated by those that are rich and those that are in power. Throughout these few pages I will focus on a few topics that can reduce the crime within the United States only if the political sector of the country would take a closer look at those deteriorated social issues …show more content…
As mentioned before when a country faces high unemployment the crime rate tends to increase. The agenda of the political leaders should be to place a halt on the different corporations that outsource their labor. Outsourcing is done in order to maximize profit by evading environmental laws and the reducing labor cost. A perfect example of this would be the unemployment rates in Flint, Michigan from 1990 to 2004. These came from the effects suffered because of general motors large amount of job cuts and moving their companies to other countries. With these high unemployment rates came high crime rates. These and more facts can be seen in the movie Roger and Me by Michael …show more content…
But in my opinion I feel it would be economically inefficient due to the fact that the expenditure of one inmate to be incarcerated in a state prison is an expense of about $15,586 per year. Not only is this fee in excess of cash but it can be used wisely for other purposes. For example; the fee can be used to build schools and send children to private schools in order to receive a better education. Being that the fee to send a child to any private school is only $10,000 per year or a simple voucher of $3,000 per student per year would give more families the option of sending their children to non-government schools. Not only would this help children receive a better education but as we discussed before it would open up more doors in life for them. I feel that by doing such thing would be taking steps to solving a crime before it occurs. (Sources, 2 and