As a child I would always think about what my life was going to be like and how was I going to turn out. I asked myself why life was so complicated? Why were my parents so worried all the time? So many questions I didn’t have the answer to. Now that I’m old enough I see things so differently. Those questions I had when I was young, were no longer a mystery to me. My experiences through life answered them and taught me many other things.
My philosophy about life is all about honesty and respect. Honesty is a virtue. It’s also based on truthfulness. Honesty is the foundation upon which people build a relationship with family or friends. Honesty also builds trust, which is needed to sustain a relationship, either business wise or love wise. How can you be trusted by others if you’re not being honest most of the time? A single lie can destroy a trust that took years to build.
Respect is also very important to me. I think that trust should be earned to given. Society is the way it is because of the lack of respect. For example, gang members who spray graffiti in buildings should be punished for showing no respect for our cities. I think this behavior starts at home. Values are not being taught to children, which are the future of our society. What we do with our children now, is definitely going to affect us later.
These two philosophies are also very useful now that I’m in school. Being honest about my work can save me lots of trouble. When being faced with a tough homework or assignment, students tend to look up the information they need and just hit copy and paste. But guess what? Plagiarism is illegal and also very dishonest. Plagiarism can result in me being expelled from school or maybe even jail.
Plagiarism is also a lack of respect for someone else’s work. By doing copy and paste you’re putting another person’s effort and work as yours. This is just wrong. I rather spend hours doing an assignment and not get a 100%, then risk my