This essay will aim to critically discuss CCTV cameras as a proven method of crime control and prevention tool. In order to analyse academic, official and Non Government Organisation (NGO) studies, it is important to consider the rise of CCTV. CCTV is the one of the fastest growing forms of surveillance and crime control in the UK. CCTV was gradually diffused throughout the retail and transport sectors to the public domain. In 1991 there were no more than ten cities with open street systems in operation; these systems were set up individuals on the basis of entrepreneurship. (Dutton and Short 1998)
The tragic death of James Bulger brought the importance of CCTV into public spotlight, images of Bulger being led away by two boys were reoccurring on national news each day, in hope the perpetrators would eventually be caught. (Smith 1994) This therefore saw a publicised moral panic. The response was the increase of CCTV systems around the UK. Responding to this, the Home Secretary, Michael Howard, developed the ‘City Challenge Competition’. Two million pounds of government funding would be thrown at this new initiative. Government saw 480 applications, even with the budget increasing to 5 million, but only 106 applications were granted. (Cited in Norris et al 2004) The high demand for CCTV in the public realm saw the competition re-open between 1995 and 1998. This time £31 million of government funding and £54 million of partnership funding, (local businesses and European regeneration grants) was used to develop the scheme. 580 applications were granted. (Cited in Norris et al 2004) This
References: Butler, G (1994) ‘Shoplifters’ Views on Security: Lessons for Crime Prevention’ in Gill (1994) French, P (1996) ‘Inside the Offender’s Mind’, CCTV Today 3 (3): 16-19 Clarence, E Cornish, DB and Clarke, RVG (eds.) (1986) The Reasoning Criminal: Rational Choice Perspectives on Offending, Springer-Verlag Davies S, (1995) ‘Welcome home ‘Big Brother’, Wired, May, 56-62 Gill, M., Spriggs, A., Allen, J., Argomaniz, J., Bryan, J., Hemming, M., Jessiman, P., Kara, D., Kilworth, J., Little, R., Swain, D. and Waples, S. (2005): The Impact of CCTV: Fourteen Case Studies, Home Office Online Report, London: Home Office Gill, M Great Manchester Police, (2010), Latest News: CCTV proving success in Bury Town Centre (available from) Accessed [ 11.04.2011] Groombridge, N Groombridge, N. (2001) ‘Human Rights in the Age of Big Brother’ in N. Groombridge (ed) Human Rights and Penal Issues. Howard League Groombridge, N Groombridge N, (2007) Stars of CCTV? How the Home Office wasted millions – a radical ‘Treasury/Audit Commission’ view, Surveillance and Society 5 (1) 73-80 [available at] Groombridge, N Groombridge, N. and Murji, K. (1994b) ‘As Easy as AB and CCTV’, Policing 10(4): 283-290. Home Office. 1994. Closed Circuit Television: Looking Out For You. London: HMSO. Lindblom, C. (1959) The science of muddling through, Public Administration Review 19: 78-88. Lippert R, Wilkinson B, (2010) Capturing crime, criminals and the public’s imagination: Assembling Crime Stoppers and CCTV surveillance, Crime Media Culture, (6) 131 - 154 Lyon, D Pawson, R. (2006) Evidence-Based Policy: A Realist Perspective. London: Sage. Zedner L, (2007) Pre-crime and post-criminology?; Theoretical Criminology, (11) 261 – 281