Satel then provides us with her story to show that there is in fact a problem. What she does not realize is that her argument is categorized as biased. Of course she thinks waiting for a transplant takes too long, if she’s been in the same position before. Her attitude towards donors does not help either. She wishes donors bodies were like Sears catalogs. Really? She then contradicts herself by saying it took her 1 year to get a kidney transplant. Whatever happened to 5-8 years? Where is satel from? and why does she get her organ transplant 5-8 times faster than someone living in a big city? A little more explanation of this could have saved this piece of evidence, but it probably would have benefit her argument more if she would’ve just left this part out.
Satel sets the tone to her argument as concerned and assertive. She makes her argument seem as if it’s right and the U.S. government is wrong. She puts all the