The movie Taken written by Luc Besson and Robert Mark Kamen and directed by Pierre Morel, hit theaters across the country in January of 2009. This movie was a mix between an action, adventure and thrilling film. The story started with a man named Liam, his ex wife named Lenore and their seventeen year old daughter, Kim. The trouble started when Kim convinced her father to let her go to France with her friend Amanda. The girls traveled to Paris, and when they first arrived in the unknown country they were talking to a local man on the streets while waiting for a cab to arrive. Stupidly one of the girls agreed to share a cab with this man to split the cost of the expensive ride. The girls also then informed the man that they were alone in the country and had no prior knowledge of the area. The local man then used this information call a human trafficking gang and they then later on captured the two girls. Her father got to speak briefly to one of the kidnappers and he promised to kill the kidnappers if they do not let his daughter free. The kidnapper wishes him "good luck” and with the little information he had he knew he only had to 96 hours to travel to France and rescue his beloved daughter. Throughout the film you follow Liam on his challenging search for his daughter. The storyline was confusing where it would bounce from the father’s perspective to the daughters and leave off at different spots. After being slightly puzzled from plot twists and confusing dialog the story picks up and the hunt for Kim continues. The graphics of the movie were awesome and it was jam packed with constant action and thrill. Most of the more dramatic scenes left me clinging to my popcorn and hanging off my seat in suspense. The main character was a great actor, who made the action scenes so much more intense and realistic. When Liam was fighting off the kidnappers he seemed as much of a hero as a Superman! The weakness of the movie was the ending. The whole
The movie Taken written by Luc Besson and Robert Mark Kamen and directed by Pierre Morel, hit theaters across the country in January of 2009. This movie was a mix between an action, adventure and thrilling film. The story started with a man named Liam, his ex wife named Lenore and their seventeen year old daughter, Kim. The trouble started when Kim convinced her father to let her go to France with her friend Amanda. The girls traveled to Paris, and when they first arrived in the unknown country they were talking to a local man on the streets while waiting for a cab to arrive. Stupidly one of the girls agreed to share a cab with this man to split the cost of the expensive ride. The girls also then informed the man that they were alone in the country and had no prior knowledge of the area. The local man then used this information call a human trafficking gang and they then later on captured the two girls. Her father got to speak briefly to one of the kidnappers and he promised to kill the kidnappers if they do not let his daughter free. The kidnapper wishes him "good luck” and with the little information he had he knew he only had to 96 hours to travel to France and rescue his beloved daughter. Throughout the film you follow Liam on his challenging search for his daughter. The storyline was confusing where it would bounce from the father’s perspective to the daughters and leave off at different spots. After being slightly puzzled from plot twists and confusing dialog the story picks up and the hunt for Kim continues. The graphics of the movie were awesome and it was jam packed with constant action and thrill. Most of the more dramatic scenes left me clinging to my popcorn and hanging off my seat in suspense. The main character was a great actor, who made the action scenes so much more intense and realistic. When Liam was fighting off the kidnappers he seemed as much of a hero as a Superman! The weakness of the movie was the ending. The whole