snakes were also plotting to kill the family. This is one way to help demonstrate the characters animal roles alongside them being the protagonist or the antagonist. The climax was when Rikki takes on Nag and helps him to his death. After Nag’s death, that the father contributed to by shooting the snake, nagina, the snake wife, was at the point in the story where she was now going to threaten Teddy. This is a major turning point that the main character can’t take back and now has, in a way, made a “game changer” move. Nagina was then killed by Rikki-tikki, by being chased into her den, leaving her cornered. In the time of the battle you can also sense the worry of the audience debating whether Rikki was dead or not, but once he left the borrow there was relief that lead to the relief of a resolution. The book in all gave a great story that was entertaining. Rikki-tikki-tavi’s story was also made into a movie or a short film.
The movie did a good job at staying to the main story idea/objective. The problem in the movie was that the main ccharacter was that there were two snakes that were harrassing a bird named Darzee, that of which he had to face head on. This was quite similar to the story or printed version. One of the only thing that were differrebt were that rrikki killed anyvif the snakes he was going against, because the father did help eand some of them. The climax was when Rikki killed Nag, without any help from the dad. This is a way that rikki was visually biult up more to be the hero. This also a turningn point in the short film and helps lead into the final battle with Nagina. The resolution is when Nagina dies. Her death helps the reader feel more at peace, which is one of the reasons to have a happy endding or resolution, because the threat of the snkes are no longer in the garden. The overall movie was very simular to the book and did a very good job at expressing the main piont of the
story. Some of the key points of these two versions of Rikki-tikki-tavi were that they weere both very simular and only had some minor differences that show in the way rkki fought or just some minor frases chancged. The outcome was the same for both versions and so on withh the characters of the story. The only two things that had any change at all were when terre was a minor word change in some of the phrases that were spoken, and the fatherc killedsome of the snakes. In conclution both stories did justice to the Rikki-tikki-tavi adventure.