Battered women face pit bulls and cobras. A pair of word made up by professors of psychology at the University of Washington, in order to describe two types of battering husbands. In this essay I will compare the different aspects and the similar aspects of the batters.
Both cobras and pit bulls were exposed to violence in their childhood. Cobras often had violent, traumatic childhoods, while the pit bulls have had fathers who battered their mothers. As a result of growing up in a violent environment, for the both types-Cobras and Pit bulls it is very important that the authority would be in their hands, therefore they use threats and power to gain it.
The difference between them is reflected in how they behave in society.
Pit bulls are great guys, until they get into an intimate relationship and additionally they are less likely to have a history of delinquency or criminal behavior. However the cobras are often considered to be sociopaths with criminal records and a personal history of alcohol and drug abuse.
In conclusion, I believe that both Pit Bulls and Cobras are very dangerous. No woman deserves being abused, in any circumstances and if it does happen, I believe that the abusers should be imprisoned, and their wife’s should get a psychological treatment, in order to rebuild their souls.